Tuesday, January 10, 2012

rate of tourist increase in 28% in lumbani 2011

The rate of tourists and pilgrims in Lumbini, the holy birthplace of Sakyamuni Buddha and World Heritage Property has mounted in 2011. The total number of visitors except Nepalese and Indian was 99508 in 2010 which has been raised to 128259 with an increment of 28.89 percent. The visitors of 95 countries visited and paid homage to the Mayadevi shrine in the year. As usual, Lumbini received highest of number of pilgrims from Sri Lanka with total number of 52,691 whereas Thai, Burmese, Chinese and South Korean pilgrims remained in ascending order with total number of 26382, 12503, 8961 and 6078 respectively. Total number of 395570 Nepalese and 63709 Indian nationals visited the holy site in the year. The number of pilgrims including Nepalese, Indians and Passport Holders in Lumbini in 2011 was hence summed as 587538 in grand total. 

Speedy development activities of Lumbini Development Trust, wider range of publicity of Lumbini, better accommodation and road way facilities and positive impact of Nepal Tourism Year 2011 can be identified as the reasons of mounting rate of tourists in Lumbini. The Trust charges Rs. 200, Rs 100 and Rs. 16 for the Third Country, the SAARC and Indian visitors respectively while Nepalese citizens enjoy free entry. The Trust is accelerating up the activities of exploration, excavation, conservation and Lumbini Master Plan implementation with government's aid and its internal income

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